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Why Choose Booking For Events As Your Service Listing Site?
Free Listing
List your Service on
Booking For Events within minutes,
in few simple steps.
Your Price
Our Dynamic Pricing feature allows you to list different price types per venue based on venue hire, minimum spend rate.
Personal Approach
No unsuitable requests from people who never get back to you. We personally look after every booking.
New Customers
Be seen by over 100,000 people a month, from individuals to the world's biggest companies
5* Review System
Gather client feedback via our listing website which will be clearly displayed on your listing page.
Professional Photography
Stay ahead of the competition and showcase your Space with professional photography.
15% More Views
Guests spend more time on listings with professional photography
22% More Enquiries
Events services with professional photography receive more online enquires
32% Increase in Conversion
Increase the revenue made from online bookings for your event services

Booking For Events 3D
Take your Guests on a virtual site visit of your venue with state of the art technology.
Save time on site visits
Provide your Guests with a virtual tour of your venue from the comfort of their own desk
Virtual view
Guests can 'walk through' your venue zooming in on specific details and any interactive tags you include
Stand out from the crowd
Stand out from comparable venues by uploading your 3D model on your Booking For Events listing and also by using it on your own website